Welcome to Camden Care Choices
Camden Council’s website for adult care and support in Camden
Adult social care support
How we can support you, who pays for your care, and different types of care settings
Bereavement and loss
How to register a death, bereavement services to help with the grieving process, and support with funeral expenses
Care and support rights
Your rights under the Care Act, accessing advocacy services and information we collect about you
Who is a carer, support and advice for unpaid carers, carers assessments and short breaks
Co-production Matters
The Adult Social Care (ASC) Co-production Framework is our commitment and strategy for greater partnership working with residents across our services in Camden.
Coronavirus guidance
What to do if you have Covid-19 symptoms or test positive for Covid-19
Cost of living crisis
Information on where to get help during the cost of living crisis, including financial support and guidance in multiple languages
Direct payments
Direct payments for adults and children. What a direct payment is, what it can be used for and how to receive it
Support for people living with autism, a learning disability, sensory needs, physical disability, and preparing for adult life
Equipment and technology to support independence
Assistive technology, wheelchairs and other equipment and minor adaptations, and the Disabled Facilities Grant
Having your say
There are many ways you can have a say in local health and care services, such as through Healthwatch Camden, the Disability Oversight Panel, or contacting Camden Adult Social Care
Living with a long term condition
Support for people living with mental health, dementia, drugs and alcohol, HIV and AIDS
Mental health
Looking after your mental health, where to get support if you need it, and support for someone who is feeling suicidal
Money and benefits advice
Agencies that can provide advice including employment, benefits, debt and advocacy support
PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)
Use of PPE for paid homecare workers and unpaid carers
Reporting abuse and staying safe
What is abuse including domestic abuse and hate crime, scams and antisocial behaviour. How to report abuse and stay safe.
Supported housing for social care needs
Living in supported accommodation including sheltered and extra care housing
Wellbeing and staying well
Practical support for staying well.
Winter Wellness project
Support for older Council tenants to maintain good health