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Mate crime

If someone is in immediate danger, call 999

All suspected mate crimes where someone is not in immediate danger should be reported to the Police, telephone 101

If you are concerned about the immediate safety of a vulnerable person, please phone Contact Camden on 020 7974 4444, and when prompted, say ‘Adult Social Care’.

What is mate crime?Mate crime is when someone befriends you but they take advantage of your trust financially, physically, psychologically or sexually e.g. stealing or asking for money a lot. It can happen in many different relationships and perpetrators may be an individual or small group of individuals.

A 'mate' may be a new friend, an old friend, a family member, a neighbour, a person paid to help you in your home or another person you meet and talk with on a regular basis. Mate crime is always done by someone you know and they make take advantage of isolation and vulnerability.

Useful publications and information

Download Friend or Fake, an easy read booklet on hate crime and mate crime

Download Making sure you are safe - easy read leaflet

We are Hourglass

We are Hourglass works to protect and prevent the abuse of adults.  Visit their website or call them on 0808 808 8141

Victim Support

Victim Support provides free and confidential help to victims of crime as well as their friends and family.  Visit their website or call them on 0808 1689 111. They are open 24/7 

Age UK Camden

Age UK Camden provides help and advice for older Camden residents.  Visit their website or call them on 020 7239 0400

The Silver Line

The Silver Line offers older people information, support and protection from abuse or neglect or a friendly chat with someone. Visit their website or call them on their free and confidential Helpline on 0800 470 8090