ASC Co-production Framework
The Adult Social Care (ASC) Co-production Framework is our commitment and strategy for greater partnership working with residents across our services in Camden.
The co-production framework has been co-produced with people with lived experience of our care services and support, including family members and carers. Through this framework, we want to create inclusive spaces where every person involved actively collaborates in shaping a social care system that recognises the whole person.
The three co-production framework documents outline our vision for co-production in Camden, highlight five key focus areas, and explain how we developed the framework.
- Our vision and understanding of co-production in Camden
- Achieving our Vision for Co-production in Camden
- Developing the Co-production Framework
What is co-production?
Co-production is a way of working where service providers and people who draw on services and their carers work together in equal partnership to reach a shared outcome. It recognises that people who are impacted by or use a service, are those who are best placed to help design and input into it.
At its heart, co-production in Camden is all about relationships and putting people at the centre of their own care journey, and means we truly share power in decisions that impact on the lives of people. It builds on collective strengths and prioritises what people say they need to live a good life – a key feature of our ‘What Matters’ approach to Adult Social Care.
Some great examples of successful co-production work are:
- Carers Action Plan – Our co-produced Carer’s Action Plan is shaped around what carers have identified as their main priorities and how the Council, health partners and our voluntary and community sector organisations will help deliver these
- Co-Production Framework - We’ve involved people who draw on services, our workforce, commissioners, commissioned services, and community organisations in shaping a new Adult Social Care Co-Production Framework, which includes our strategic plan for co-production over the next 5 years
- Local Account – We’ve been working with six residents to develop our first co-produced Local Account. The Local Account gives people the opportunity to better understand how well we have performed over the previous year in terms of strengths and areas for development. It also means we can share our plans, and people with lived experience of services can be involved in deciding what our focus areas should be the following year
- Autism Strategy Refresh - The Camden Autism Partnership Board are currently working on the co-production of an all-aged strategy refresh which includes Autistic people, families, and carers as well as key council and health partners
We are keen to see our services and workforces, as well as our providers, health partners and voluntary and community sector organisations, share a commitment to co-production wherever it’s possible.
Please write to [email protected] for any feedback or further information.